Meaning can never be found in a combat experience, it can only be affirmed.
In der Wüste des Wahnsinns
(In the Desert of Madness)

An unsparing insight into life as a combat soldier and at the same time a well-founded questioning of the meaning and purpose of military missions abroad.
A book that you won't want to put down again.
Der Deutsche Fallschirmjäger
German book trailer
Veterans’ Congress
Berlin, Feb. 2024
At the first German veterans’ congress with over 20 veterans’ associations, major German media and politicians, topics such as the introduction of a national veterans’ day and a culture of remembrance were discussed.
Last but not least, I was invited to give a presentation on veteran culture in the United States. What an honor to participate!
More about the event here »
US Foriegn Policy seminar, Uni Hamburg
Hamburg, Nov. 2023
Teaching the foreign policy of the United States is a challenge that I really enjoy. Once again this year, I had the great honor of teaching this topic to the students of the Master’s program in Peace and Security Studies at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg. It was a very intensive two-day seminar with lots of questions and discussions.
You can find out more about the study program here »
International Society for Military Ethics in Europe
Potsdam, March 2023
In March, I participated in a workshop titled “Features for a European Approach to Military Ethics” for the International Society for Military Ethics in Europe at the Bundeswehr Center for Military History and Social Sciences in Potsdam.
Pictured are two disturbingly smart guys – Military Dean MMag. Stefan Gugerel from the Institute for Religion and Peace in Vienna and Dr. Patrick Hofstetter from the Military Academy at ETH in Zurich. More here »
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